search engine optimization

SEO Tips for Social Media Marketing

SEO Tips for Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing tools are the same regardless of what you are promoting. The good news is that the SEO techniques you use on your website may be easily transferred over to your social media campaigns. What differs is the content itself and how you apply those different SEO techniques.

Keeping an Eye on Visual Search Technology

Keeping an Eye on Visual Search Technology

Humans, for the most part, are visual creatures and study after study has found that images grab our attention more quickly and are simply more engaging than text alone. It is true that there has been an increase in the use of voice search but there has also been an increase in visual searches.

Are You Ready for the Shift to Voice?

Are You Ready for the Shift to Voice?

Just to clarify, voice search is when users speak into a device, usually a home assistant or mobile phone, to ask a search engine or digital assistant a question. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies use speech recognition to understand what the user is looking for and then try to provide the best answer found in the online search.

What is Site Indexing Anyway?

What is Site Indexing Anyway?

When asked about search engines, many people think of Bing, Yahoo, AOL, or Google but there are actually a large number in existence. Google handles a majority of Internet searches so most of what is discussed pertains to their particular practices. However, other search engines function in a similar manner. What some people might not understand is that an Internet search does not, literally, search the Internet.

10 Common SEO Myths

10 Common SEO Myths

You’ve seen them. Those emails and articles warning about the catastrophic events coming with impending Google updates. Things are constantly changing with browser and search engine updates and it is often difficult for businesses to keep up. Because of these regular changes, coupled with uncertainty from those who have been sold by experts that didn’t deliver there are a ton of myths and misconceptions swirling around SEO.