Squarespace Websites

Tips for Improving Your Web Design

Tips for Improving Your Web Design

Are visitors able to determine what your company does within five seconds of landing on your website? Can users easily navigate to different areas of your site as they desire? How is your bounce rate? If answering these questions makes you sweat or you simply don’t know the answers, it’s time to take a hard look at your website design.

Ecommerce Trends as We Move Towards 2020

Ecommerce Trends as We Move Towards 2020

Ecommerce continues to grow and, subsequently, impact retail practices across industries. Mobile device use is driving a large part of this trend and is predicted to make up 45% of ecommerce revenue by 2020. As such, brands need to pay extra attention to the experience shoppers have on all different devices as they develop digitally cohesive marketing plans.

Squarespace Commerce Integrations

Squarespace Commerce Integrations

Squarespace offers a number of official integrations built into the platform to help users increase their sites’ power. These built-in tools mean that Squarespace users don’t have to figure out how to incorporate separate apps or integrations for the newest and best resources available today.

2018 Made Us Love Squarespace, for our Client's Websites, Even More!

2018 Made Us Love Squarespace, for our Client's Websites, Even More!

It is no secret that we are huge fans of the Squarespace platform! We choose Squarespace as the launching board for the majority of our client’s websites.

The Strategy Driven Marketing (SDM) team uses Squarespace’s multitude of striking template options and built-in functionality to create eye-catching and compelling websites that help communicate the value that each business brings to the table.

Why We Think Squarespace is a Great Choice for Your Business

Why We Think Squarespace is a Great Choice for Your Business

We admit we are biased towards Squarespace but feel justified in our strong preference for this super flexible and accommodating website building and hosting platform. Read on to learn more about why we love Squarespace and think it is the best and only choice!

Last Minute Squarespace Strategies for the Holiday Shopping Season

Last Minute Squarespace Strategies for the Holiday Shopping Season

The holiday season is an important time for your brand to optimize its sales strategies. If your business website and online store are set up through the powerful, all-in-one Squarespace platform, you are in an excellent place to capitalize on the amazing e-commerce and marketing tools available there.

Subscriptions for Squarespace Commerce – Total Simplification

Subscriptions for Squarespace Commerce – Total Simplification

Squarespace is set to announce to the general public their latest e-commerce feature that gives loyal Squarespace customers yet another reason to love this company: Subscriptions for Squarespace Commerce.