Last Minute Squarespace Strategies for the Holiday Shopping Season

The holiday season is an important time for your brand to optimize its sales strategies. If your business website and online store are set up through the powerful, all-in-one Squarespace platform, you are in an excellent place to capitalize on the amazing e-commerce and marketing tools available there. Here are some last-minute ideas for making sure you get the most out of the holiday sales season.


Squarespace Email Campaigns

In their quest to be more than a website builder, Squarespace has launched a service called Squarespace Email Campaigns. This tool was created to help brands send email campaigns that parallel the content and style of their websites. By offering the ability to handle emails and analytics through a single platform, Squarespace knows they will appeal to business owners who lack the time or ability to link their website with other platforms like Google Analytics or MailChimp. Being able to send emails that match the brand you’ve built on Squarespace is an effective way to reach your target audience with communications about holiday sales and events.


Gift Cards

Many people on both the giving and receiving end of holiday gifts prefer the option of gift cards over actual items or specific, predetermined services. Many businesses find that buyers return fewer items when they have control over what is being purchased and they often spend beyond the value of the gift card they receive. Through Squarespace Gift Cards, recipients can easily use their card as payment on your online store. This option does not require businesses to create physical cards as each gift card has a unique code so it may conveniently be emailed to a recipient.


Squarespace Subscriptions

Today’s consumers are always looking for convenience and Squarespace Subscriptions is the platform’s answer to that need. This tool, available only on Commerce Advanced plans, allows customers to quickly and easily purchase your products or services on a recurring basis. Squarespace Subscriptions lets consumers save their details during checkout so they are automatically charged when their subscription renews offering you a dependable revenue stream and your customers an improved user experience. This new feature from Squarespace will help build customer loyalty by providing a new way to purchase without the inconvenience of third-party scripts. Subscriptions can be easily canceled or changed at any time.


Squarespace Analytics

Strategic decisions on marketing and e-commerce are best made when based on actual data. Squarespace offers a wealth of analytical tools for businesses regarding product sales and past consumer behavior. Key statistics are available by product, like revenue, order volume, and conversion to help you understand the performance of your products. Information is broken down by key performance indicators and allows you to quickly compare different metrics at a glance. Squarespace also generates and provides data regarding site traffic, popular content, form and button conversions, cart abandonment, Google Search keywords and more. The integration of analytics into the site allows businesses to spend their time interpreting and responding to data to best serve their clients and increase their ROI.


Shoppable Posts on Instagram

Available on Commerce Basic and Advanced Squarespace plans, Shoppable Posts allow businesses to tag and sell products from their Squarespace store on Instagram. Supported by a 24/7 Customer Care Team, brands can import their store inventory to their Facebook Business Manager account. From there, businesses can reference their product catalog directly from their Instagram business profile. When a product is tagged, consumers can tap on the image to view details about the product and then click through the post to actually purchase the item from your online store. One of the best features of this tool is that consumers never leave the Instagram app so the opportunity to purchase from your brand is integrated into the place where they already are spending their time and interacting with their friends and followers. This increases the chances of consumers sharing your posts and subsequently attracting new customers to your brand.


Promotional Pop-Ups

Pop-ups are a Premium feature on Squarespace and are available in the Website Business and Commerce plans. Brands can choose when and where pop-ups will display and can tailor the messaging directly to where the visitor is in the buyer’s funnel. You can announce new products or services, communicate holiday discounts, encourage readers to sign up for your newsletter or drive traffic to specific content on your site or online store. Pop-ups can be designed to maintain branding and vary in size from a full-page overlay to a smaller box.


Discount Codes

With Squarespace discount codes, businesses can create targeted promotions and discounts for orders over a set amount, specific categories, individual products, and more. Brands can do this by establishing specific rules such as 20% off orders over $75 or $10 off items in the “Outdoors” category. This helps brands make sure the discounts being offered make sense for their particular business. Discount codes can be created to share with targeted customers via social platforms or email – wherever you believe an extra incentive might boost sales.




Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is a tool that helps Facebook understand and then target users for specific ads by tracking visitor activity on your website. This integration allows you to track content views, purchases, and abandoned carts to be able to better understand your target audience. The data collected will help your business engage in more focused holiday season marketing to drive more traffic to your site and increase sales.


Dynamic Ads

Facebook Dynamic Ads help you further target customers by promoting the products you offer that are relevant to their interests. The Dynamic Ads can be created after you’ve set up Facebook Pixel as Ads uses the parameters you’ve set in Pixel to track visitors’ activity. Then, Facebook Dynamic Ads automatically shows consumers personalized ads based on the insights it has gathered. This ensures that people are seeing ads for products they are most likely to purchase. Furthermore, Dynamic Ads automatically promote products to consumers who have expressed interest in your store and will show relevant products to people even if they have not visited your site. Facebook Dynamic Ads will also retarget customers who left your site without buying anything to remind them of the products they viewed.



Squarespace is doing all it can to help business work more efficiently and see a greater return on their investments into their online stores. To make the most of the tools offered on the platform, connect with the experts at Strategy Driven Marketing. We’ll help you with everything from design, to product display to analytics. Contact us today!