2018 Made Us Love Squarespace, for our Client's Websites, Even More!

It is no secret that we are huge fans of the Squarespace platform! We choose Squarespace as the launching board for the majority of our client’s websites.

The Strategy Driven Marketing (SDM) team uses Squarespace’s multitude of striking template options and built-in functionality to create eye-catching and compelling websites that help communicate the value that each business brings to the table.

Just like the rest of us, the team at Squarespace has been busy this year. This means good things for all of us. Here are a few changes from 2018 that are good news for your business:

Squarespace App Launch

Having been in Disney World with family earlier this month, I experienced the value of the Squarespace App first-hand. You can get a lot of work done and make edits on the fly while waiting in line for a ride, out and about running errands, or in a place where you don’t have your laptop. Once SDM develops and launches your new site, we will train you on making edits on your own. The app allows you to easily make changes and improvements to your site from wherever you may be! Check it out!

Email Campaigns

Every business owner has a lot going on! The less applications you have to juggle and passwords to remember the better. This year Squarespace integrated email newsletter functionality into their offering. During or following your website set-up, Strategy Driven Marketing can help build out an email newsletter component to your marketing efforts. This will help you build and manage mailing lists, create/send branded emails, and automate and create thoughtful communications that connect you to your customers and drive your business forward.


Squarespace allowed us even more opportunity to increase your SEO strategy on all page types this year. SEO has always been a huge consideration in all of our site builds. SDM wants to help you connect with additional, targeted traffic. These changes help us improve our effectiveness and help you get in front of more of the eyes you are looking to communicate to.

Google Search Keywords

On a related note, the addition of greater visibility with Google Search Keywords helps you/us identify which keywords are driving traffic to your site. Many of our client’s want to leave this particular task in our court, and we are happy to help. We spend a lot of time on search engine optimization techniques while building your site, integrating keywords into your images, content, and various pages fields. For our retainer clients, this continues to remain a large part of that strategy. Google Search Keywords allows us to check-in on effectiveness and double-down on efforts that are performing well, or adjust when needed.

Metrics, Metrics, and More Metrics

In Traffic Overview Analytics or the Squarespace Analytics app you can more easily identify changes in your traffic. We find metrics very interesting. If you do too, good news, there are plenty of them to look at! You can now see more about button and form conversion and gauge how your CTA (call to action) strategy is working.

On a commerce end, the Sales by Product panel in Analytics shows you key statistics by product, like revenue, order volume, and conversion. This is a great place to check-in on how your products are performing and adjust inventory purchasing and marketing strategy accordingly.

Subscription Products for Commerce Sites

An addition that we are very excited to be able to incorporate onto our client’s sites are Subscriptions for Squarespace Commerce. Subscriptions are a great opportunity to build customer loyalty and a more predictable revenue stream. Squarespace has helped making doing this much easier! Want to learn more and discuss if this could incorporate into your business model? Just hit us up!

Instagram Product Tags

Have your social media strategy all dialed-in and want to capitalize on that traction? Want to start a business and make sure your efforts on your site and socials seamlessly integrate? There are exciting new ways that SDM can help tie your Instagram to your products and help drive sales via your social activity.

Location-Based Shipping

For those of you newer to the ecommerce game, this is a big one! In the past we have helped clients navigate creating, testing, and adjusting their shipping policies as they watch their sales trends play out. Every option that allows an ecommerce site to better adjust and add different shipping options to make pricing more accurate and reasonable on both sides is very beneficial for involved. This helps ensure you are not losing money, or overcharging for delivery which leads to lost sales. The better you can refine your shipping options it means more sales for you and less money lost.

Checkout Options

Apple Pay, PayPal for donations, and Venmo were added this year on Commerce. Who doesn’t like options?

Improved Discounts

A good discount strategy can really drive repeat customer orders and new business. Squarespace added more options for automated and limited use discounts in 2018 that will help us continue to encourage purchase behavior for your clients in 2019 and beyond!

Bring on the Languages

Squarespace added functionality to accommodate websites in other languages this year. So far they have included French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. They plan to continue along that vein in 2019 and we are excited to take that journey with them. The Strategy Driven Marketing team has experience building sites and other marketing material in multiple languages. We would love to help your business communicate and include all audiences.

Stock Imagery

Squarespace’s integration with Unsplash is saving customers money and helping many who have had challenges with quality imagery in the past up their site’s visual appearance.

As we close out 2018 and look forward to 2019 we wanted to thank Squarespace and our clients for a great year. We look forward to continuing to grow with our customers in the upcoming year and meet new business owners who we can help and enjoy getting to know. Call us today to learn how we can help your business launch or grow in 2019!