Affordable Marketing

Areas to Invest in Your Business

Areas to Invest in Your Business

We have this conversation with our clients all of the time. We understand where you are coming from. As someone who is ultra-conservative with their spending, I sympathize with my clients and relate with wanting to make sure you get the most bang for your buck. There are only so many dollars to go around. Where should you focus that spend?

Once Upon a Time in a Marketing Campaign…

Once Upon a Time in a Marketing Campaign…

Customers expect to be entertained. As such, strategic storytelling should be an integral part of your brand marketing. Stories provide context and meaning to people across different walks of life. Brand storytelling is the sharing and compilation of the feelings, relationships and attributes of your brand. It inspires people to act.

Email is Not Dead!

Email is Not Dead!

Email is an open platform which makes it a powerful, low-cost marketing channel. Internet users sent and received a daily average of 269 billion messages in 2017. The modern form of direct response marketing, email is one of the most effective inbound and outbound lead sources. Even with the increase in other channels of lead generation, email is still a strong way to upsell current customers and convert leads.

9 Internet Marketing Myths

9 Internet Marketing Myths

Great marketing can raise brand awareness and generate leads, and Internet marketing is ramping up competition among businesses. Many organizations struggle to utilize Internet marketing effectively and believing marketing myths can negatively impact business. There are oodles of myths surrounding online marketing and these prevalent misconceptions keep businesses from growing and thriving.

Event Marketing Requires All of the Tools in Your Marketing Kit

Event Marketing Requires All of the Tools in Your Marketing Kit

When you host an event, you want to engage your customers before, during, and after it happens. 44% of marketers experience a 3:1 ROI from event marketing which incorporates a wide variety of domains and can help your company stand out from the competition.

Direct Mail is Still an Effective Marketing Tool

Direct Mail is Still an Effective Marketing Tool

There are new tools and strategies that have redefined the world of direct mail, enabling it to emerge, once again, as an effective marketing channel. 70% of Americans say that direct mail feels more personal than the Internet so it is not surprising that brand recall was found to be 70% higher for direct mail marketing versus digital ads.

Marketing Tips for Event Planners

Marketing Tips for Event Planners

Every event planner knows it is essential to keep the pipeline full of prospects. To achieve that, it isn’t enough to do a fabulous job and rely on word of mouth. It is important to actively market your services in order to grow your business. A comprehensive marketing plan is essential and forces you to state your goals, analyze the health of your industry, identify your target audience and understand how they search and interact with information.

Yes, Your Small Business Needs Reviews!

Yes, Your Small Business Needs Reviews!

Looking for something that offers your business a source of accountability and assists the growth process? Online reviews and ratings are major factors that influence online shoppers and shape the way they interact with businesses. Reviews posted on sites like Google allow customers to compare products and services based on other people’s experiences.

Tips from the Best Restaurant Websites

Tips from the Best Restaurant Websites

A website is the core of any organization’s online presence. It gives customers a taste (pun intended) of the business through a combination of attractive design and useful information. For restaurants, their website is a reflection of the quality of the food they serve and the service they provide. Your site is a powerful marketing tool and often a prospective customer’s first impression of your brand.

The Process of Effective Marketing

The Process of Effective Marketing

One of the biggest hurdles to truly understanding effective marketing is understanding that marketing is an ongoing process and not one singular effort. This is hard for many of our clients to understand because they have just spent money on something like a website and all they want is for floods of people to start finding it and purchasing from them or reaching out about their services. Just slapping up a visually appealing website, building out a Yelp page, or creating a few social profiles in not going to instantly propel your business into success and instant notoriety. It is tempting when the economy is down and money gets tight to scale way back and marketing is often one of the first things to take a hit.