targeted content

Content for Each Step of the Way

Content for Each Step of the Way

With all of the content available to today’s consumers, you have not quite two and a half minutes to make a positive impression so it is essential that your content meets your customer where he is in the buyer’s journey. Content aligned to each phase of the buyer’s journey is the important link between marketing and sales and helps to ensure that the right information and right motivation are delivered at the right time.

Are Your Landing Pages All They Can Be?

Are Your Landing Pages All They Can Be?

Landing Page Optimization is the process of enhancing or improving each element on your landing page to increase conversions. (Neil Patel, writing for Crazy Egg) Consistent tone, design, and messaging are essential. Unfortunately, small tweaks are often not enough to improve the performance of a landing page. Many times, a better, overall design is called for.

The Process of Effective Marketing

The Process of Effective Marketing

One of the biggest hurdles to truly understanding effective marketing is understanding that marketing is an ongoing process and not one singular effort. This is hard for many of our clients to understand because they have just spent money on something like a website and all they want is for floods of people to start finding it and purchasing from them or reaching out about their services. Just slapping up a visually appealing website, building out a Yelp page, or creating a few social profiles in not going to instantly propel your business into success and instant notoriety. It is tempting when the economy is down and money gets tight to scale way back and marketing is often one of the first things to take a hit.

Identifying and Marketing to your Buyer Personas

Identifying and Marketing to your Buyer Personas

Businesses have historically used marketing as a one-way communication tool – them telling prospective customers what they have to say. This version of marketing is based on assumptions of who a business thinks their customers are instead of building on a foundation of their customers’ realities. So how can a business know which marketing to deliver to whom? The answer: buyer personas – a fictional representation of an ideal customer based on a variety of market research.