customer focused

How to Make the Most of Your Retargeting Campaigns

How to Make the Most of Your Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting, in the world of advertising and marketing, is exactly what it sounds like. It puts your brand and your message back in front of the consumers who visited your website and ended up part of your site’s bounce statistic.

Customer-Centric – a Step Beyond Customer-Focused

Customer-Centric – a Step Beyond Customer-Focused

In today’s competitive market, customers have a large array of choices. Customer-centric marketing is a long-term strategy that invests deeply in making connections and building stronger customer relationships. At the heart of the idea of customer centricity is not just a focus on any old customer, it is a focus on your most profitable customers. A concept first addressed by Dr. Peter Fader, he explained it as looking at a customer’s lifetime value and focusing marketing efforts on that high-value customer segment to drive profit.