Social Media Tips for Realtors

In 2017, 81% of Americans had a social media profile. As such, it should be no surprise that modern consumers have the expectation that they can use social media platforms to communicate with everyone and anyone. In fact, a study found that 94% of Millennials and 84% of Baby Boomers used various sites to search for their next home. Whether you’ve avoided it all together or need to push yourself to the next level, it’s time to get serious about representing your real estate business on social media.

To maximize your efforts, take into account what type of content performs best on each social media platform, what gets the most engagement. Utilize the sites that lend themselves to your business objectives. It is better to be active and have high-quality posts on two to three platforms than have sparse, out-of-date offerings everywhere. Also take into account where your target audience spends its time. It makes a difference if you are trying to reach millennials on Snapchat or Gen Xers on Facebook.

Dos and Don’ts

Keep in mind that the goal of your social media posts is to drive traffic to your website. Whenever possible, include in your posts a link to your website or call-to-action button. Consider social-specific landing pages to differentiate between audiences.

Update and upgrade your website. If your social media sites are all pointing there, it needs to provide high-quality, high-value content.

Ensure that your profile information on each platform is up-to-date, especially your contact information.

Include in your email signature social media buttons that link to your (business) profiles.

Include social network sharing buttons on your listings.

Engage with your viewers – follow people, comment on posts, like images, etc. and, most importantly, respond to any comments, feedback, and follows your posts receive.

Don’t feel like you need to create unique content for each platform but do tweak the format and presentation of the content to fit the personality of each.

Develop a social media marketing schedule that includes all of your social media profiles. Utilize automation software so posts can be created and scheduled ahead of time. This practice helps maintain consistency in your postings.

Take advantage of metrics and analytics provided by the software and other resources like Google Analytics to gain a better understanding of what works best. Impressions, comments, click-throughs, and soft social metrics such as likes, shares, and retweets will point you in the right direction. Experiment to compare the success rates of different approaches (A/B split tests).

There also exists automation software that “listens” to social media and the Internet, in general, that can help you keep track of mentions. Establish a Google alert for your business, listings, and name to keep you aware of comments made that include any of those things. Keeping on top of the alerts also allows you the opportunity to respond, if appropriate, to the situation.

Hashtags ###: They are not only a way to increase engagement, they also allow prospective customers to find you via searches. Experiment with real-estate related tags to see what works whether you use a generic tag like #dreamhome or a more customized tag like #MikesProperties.

Social media posts shouldn’t be in-your-face advertising. Bring value to consumers with engaging information and images while reminding them that you are available to help them with their real estate needs.

Platform Specific

Think Facebook and Twitter for meatier posts, Instagram and Pinterest to showcase your listings, and LinkedIn for business-to-business networking. Following people is a great way to gain followers on all platforms. And, remember, when it comes to social media, sharing content is your secondary goal, engagement is your first.


Pay for boosted and targeted ads – there is a lot of nonsense to cut through in order to get your content in front of your desired audience.

Enable reviews on your page to provide clients a place to leave testimonials.

Utilize the Facebook video option for your cover instead of a photo.

Posts should be heavy on the consumer value side and light on your business. Facebook is a great place to post about local events, causes, etc. that you are involved with.

This platform provides valuable analytics that not only help you understand how your posts are performing but also helps you find and target the best fit audience in the first place.


This platform is more about building your brand and letting people see your personality. It is an informal relationship-building tool. Authenticity and creativity are key.


Excellent way to drive traffic to your website.

Set up multiple boards – one for listings, another for the region you sell in, another for interior design, etc.


You can geo-tag images so they show on the Instagram photo map.

Hashtags help you get your message in front of everyone and anyone.


This is also a great place to practice your hashtag skills.

The main value here is in search capabilities that allow others to find you and allow you to find and join relevant conversations. It is all about engagement.

Post at least daily, if not multiple times per day. This platform sports a rapid pace of information flow.


Professional networking site; not for listings or a sales pitch.

Can help strengthen your professional reputation and provide exposure to banks and other related businesses.


Post real estate quotes, memes, and infographics. Images are easy for viewers to share and more readily grab the attention of someone scrolling through their feed than text alone does.

Post tips for buying, selling, or moving, or “top-5 things” to know types of lists.

Connect with prospective clients on an emotional level – post images that celebrate a home sale, a closing, the handing over of keys, etc.

Interesting facts about an area, city, or state.

Celebrations – client birthdays, move-in days, milestones.

Hashtags…always hashtags!

Overall, your social media efforts are best used to build relationships, expose customers to your brand, and to showcase yourself as a knowledgeable and helpful real estate professional. Understand what gets the most engagement whether it is videos and images on Facebook and Instagram, or interactive content like a Twitter Chat of live Google Hangout where you can lend your professional insight and expertise.

And remember that social networks are not only for clients and prospects. Use them to connect with other professionals, especially those with whom you might form symbiotic working relationships like insurance agents, designers, contractors, etc. Need help developing a strategy and consistency implementing it? We can help take your business to the next level. Contact the experts at Strategy Driven Marketing (SDM) today!