Small Business

9 Tech Essentials for Today’s Entrepreneur

9 Tech Essentials for Today’s Entrepreneur

For the past century, technology has grown at an extremely rapid pace. It was so rapid, that it came to the point that people would predict a future of flying cars and advanced robotics that could perform any human task possible. Although these may still be in our imaginations, it goes to show how the swift pace of development has shaped our expectations and even business practices.

The Realities of Starting a Business While Still Employed

The Realities of Starting a Business While Still Employed

An excellent way to minimize the risks of starting a new business is to begin work on building your brand while you're still employed. That full-time job ensures that you are paid a regular salary and benefits regardless of how bumpy or smooth the start of your startup is. Retaining your day job allows you to have the best of both worlds.

Facebook – Boosted Posts or Ads?

Facebook – Boosted Posts or Ads?

Best practice for business Facebook use integrates organic and paid strategies. Fortunately, businesses can utilize both boosted posts and ads with a limited budget so it is not surprising that 94% of businesses have invested in Facebook advertising. With the latest changes in the Facebook algorithm, it is more important than ever to post content that viewers will care about and react to.

Creating Brochures that Work for Your Business

Creating Brochures that Work for Your Business

Effective marketing requires the use of multiple platforms working in conjunction with one another. Numerous points of contact are necessary to gain the trust of prospective clients so you need to go beyond the company website. A business brochure is a marketing investment, a part of your branding strategy.