Branding...It's more than just a Logo

When you think about what represents a company’s brand, do you think strictly in terms of their logo? Of course, your logo is an extremely important element of your company’s branding, but it does not stand alone. There are other, well thought through, elements that establish and portray a business’s brand image. Consistency with this look starts to build recognition throughout the various touch points in which your customer’s experience you company.

Your logo(s)

As we mentioned, your logo is an incredibly important part of your branding. You should carefully select a logo that symbolizes the tone and attitude of your business. Think about some of the most recognizable and powerful brands in the world. At a glance, we can quickly identify whose ad, packaging or other material we are looking at. Often the simple, clean route is the best approach. A symbol or wordmark that can easily be deciphered at a glance, is crucial. There are brands like Apple, McDonalds, Starbucks or Volkswagen who are widely recognized by their symbol. There are others who went the wordmark route. Examples of popular wordmark logos would be Coca Cola, Google, Mobil or Crate and Barrel.

Don’t skimp when it comes to your logo. This element of your branding will follow your company around for years to come. Keep it strong, timeless, and attention grabbing. Like so many things, you often get what you pay for and this is not one area we would go looking for a bargain at the expense of the result. It is like starting things on the wrong foot right out of the gate.

Most logos keep the same general look, but will likely need several versions so that it can work in any application. Sometimes you will want to use your logo on a dark background, sometimes light. Your designer should keep this in mind and provide you with variations of your logo that will work in each of these situations. Often, people will also consider a stacked version and horizontal version of their logo. Certain applications, like social media profile graphics, work much better with the stacked version of the logo. This also works the other way in certain locations. Let’s say you want to create a presentation and don’t want to take up too much vertical real estate with your branding. A horizontal logo strategically placed at the top or bottom leaves extra room to incorporate content above or below it.

Sometimes there will be a version of your logo that has a gradient in it, but you will likely want a solid color version that could be used on things like t-shirts or promo items. Some companies also do a version of their logo with and without a tagline.

There are lots of options to consider and discuss when going about the logo design and brand formation process. An experienced and talented designer or creative agency will help you navigate this process and make choices for your company that will leave you thanking yourself for years to come.

Please, please, please do not skimp out and try to make your own logo in Word, PowerPoint or Paint. Hiring an experienced designer will ensure that you will be provided with a vector-based logo and you should expect to receive your logo in all of the most common file types. This way, you will be able to use your logo on shirts, social profiles, collateral, billboards and so much more. Big or small, your brand will be covered.

Brand Fonts

Many logos include an “official” font. If this font made it into your business’ logo there is a good chance you really like it. That being said, this doesn’t mean that it is the only font you are ever going to want to use across all materials created for your brand. As part of a typical branding experience, your designer will establish brand guidelines and include several brand-approved fonts to round out your look. Establishing these approved fonts and communicating that to everyone in your organization, and those who will be creating materials on your behalf, is important so that you can maintain continuity in your materials.

Approved Brand Colors

Along the same vein as the brand approved fonts are the official colors. The color or colors in your logo are probably not the only colors you will want to use in your designs. It is common to come up with a complimentary color pallets, once your logo is established, so that future designers and other company personnel can make sure to stick to the look and feel that you established. Taking this extra step to define the colors that are going to represent your identity makes it easier for those creating materials on your behalf to remain true to your brand’s look and helps build that recognition between materials that everyone is going for. 

What Else?

Some brands have other elements or graphics that people associate with their brand. Take, for example, the little lizard that is in Geico’s materials. Everyone knows that little guy! What about Tony the Tiger who is pushing his Grrrreat cereal?! Brands often have certain shapes, characters, effects, or consistent icons that show up on many of their materials or even just a consistent brand look (like use of white space).

Not sure where to begin? We have created and revamped branding for countless clients, in a number of industries. Contact us today and let’s get started by talking through your business and goals for the future. Call us!