
IoT – Internet of Things

IoT – Internet of Things

Yes, in case you were wondering and hadn’t done a search – IoT stands for Internet of Things. The phrase was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999 but it took a number of years for the concept to become reality. Technology had to evolve to the point that there were available: affordable, low-power chips that can communicate wirelessly, broadband Internet, and cellular and wireless networks.

Net Neutrality – An Ongoing Battle

Net Neutrality – An Ongoing Battle

The concept of net neutrality was originally introduced in 2005 by the FCC for the purpose of providing open Internet potential to all businesses, regardless of size. In 2015, further regulations were passed by the Obama administration. The 2015 ruling viewed the Internet as a utility, like electricity or water, and stated that everyone should have equal access to all online sites. It also protected consumers from discriminatory practices. The 2015 regulations mandated the disclosure of hidden fees and provided a channel through which customers and competitors could file complaints regarding unfair practices.