
Infographics – An Engaging Communication Tool When Well Planned and Executed

Infographics – An Engaging Communication Tool When Well Planned and Executed

The word “infographic” is a condensed compound of information and graphic. Fairly self-explanatory, infographics are visual representations of data or knowledge with the intention of presenting information clearly and concisely.

Everything You Should Know About Infographics

Everything You Should Know About Infographics

Today’s public suffers from information overload. As a result, we want to understand things easily and quickly. 93% of human communication is non-verbal and a majority of information is presented to our brains through sight. Images that effectively illustrate a point can make processing of information easier. Facts presented in an easy way to gather hold our collectively short attention span. It is widely known that visuals aid comprehensive and, in fact, people retain as high as 65% of information three days later when an image is paired with text.