FAQ Tips from the Team at SDM: Thoughts from Different Perspectives

We publish a marketing-based blog every other day so, needless to say, we read a lot and we write a lot. Looking back, we’ve discussed Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQs, from a variety of perspectives. We thought it might be informative to lift all of those thoughts (that were more than a brief mention) from their particular blogs and put them all in one place. Happy reading!


FAQs – Why you need them and things to keep in mind (3/28/2018)

In the age of early morning Internet surfing and immediate gratification, people expect to have their questions answered as soon as they are asked. They don’t care what time it is and they don’t want to be put on hold to wait their turn for a customer service representative. Some don’t even want to wait for a chat representative to type. A solid and honest list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can go a long way towards building and keeping a client base and towards fostering a high level of customer satisfaction.

Strategy Beam explains that high-quality FAQ content helps viewers quickly understand your products or services. These question lists are a go-to destination for many readers. Clear and concise presentation and the content will not only provide peace of mind to potential customers but also can drive other traffic to the meatier pages in your site. The key is to provide supportive responses in simple language that is written to address customers in all parts of the sales funnel.

Experts agree that bite-sized information is essential. Information should be current and complement content in other areas of the site. Answers can include visuals to support the text or video tutorials. All language should reflect positively on your business while portraying a level of transparency that builds trust and improves the perception of the brand. The Nielsen Norman Group recommends that answers to FAQs be factual and frank versus filled with marketing hype. Creativity counts and patronizing language hurts. But don’t be afraid to include questions with obvious answers. The FAQ page IS a selling page and can be used to highlight operational details, communicate the vocabulary of your business, and manage customer expectations at an early point in the client relationship.

The FAQ page should be simple to navigate. Wix suggests it be easily skimmed – all questions listed with links to answers. If more in-depth information is available or necessary as part of the answer, an entire page might be dedicated to that topic. Categories, separating font differences and images may be used to create an at-a-glance FAQ list. As explained by Phaseware, questions may be categorized by product, concept or department. It is agreed that FAQ lists, especially lengthy ones, should be searchable to shorten the time necessary for a reader to find the desired information. It is also suggested that feedback opportunities be part of a FAQ page with either a rating system or an opportunity to communicate a question that couldn’t be found.

There are differences of opinion as to the best placement for a FAQ list. Some would recommend it be part of the navigation menu or support page while others suggest it should be prominently available on every page – especially the pricing/ordering page. There is a general consensus that there should be multiple opportunities within the FAQ to easily link back to content and purchasing pages to increase conversion rates of undecided clients.

The benefits of having a FAQ list are not only for the customer. Keywords within the FAQ answers help with rankings within search engine results. Random visitors to your site are more likely to read your FAQs than any other content. The FAQs are an opportunity to incorporate standout features of your business and to overcome common objections and misconceptions held by under informed readers. Your FAQ list can also save you money. Sizing information will reduce returns, process information will reduce confusion, and content from the list is easily copied and pasted into email responses from your business. The more authentic your list of FAQs, the more your customer service staff will be able to focus their efforts on the complex issues. On the back end, analytics of the length of time viewers spend on the page, information regarding which questions are viewed and where readers went after the FAQs will allow you to adjust your page and website to better serve your clientele.

FAQs are an essential self-help function of a website and offer a timely resolution to common questions. A conversational tone and active voice will go a long way towards building relationships with current and potential clients and creating a comfortable forum for exchanging information. The FAQ page provides a quick source from which viewers can find out more about your business and firmly establishes you as the expert. It reduces customer anxiety about using your product or service, removes obstacles that impede your conversion rate, and improves customer satisfaction by providing immediate information to your site visitors.


Business Websites, the Sequel (8/03/2018)

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs): This section can be a great time saver for you and your staff. Address any general questions you regularly receive. Use this area to be proactive in communicating information regarding more complicated services or products. This page also helps with SEO as it tends to include keywords and phrases.


How a Young Ecommerce Site Can Project Trustworthiness (11/9/2018)

Have an FAQ Page: Hosting a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page serves a number of purposes in your efforts to promote and grow your online store. Inform users about your brand and products. Overcome common objections that hinder the purchasing process. Use the answer portions to direct readers to other parts of your website that thoroughly address the topic or provide an opportunity to learn more.


Websites for the Fitness Industry – is Your Site Working Out? (1/26/2019)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): A page on your site dedicated to FAQs is, basically, a self-help feature for your visitors. It is a resource that offers quick response, 24/7, and saves your time for more engaging interactions with clients. Include the answers to common questions you and your staff receive via email, phone calls, or in person. You can also use answer portions to direct clients and potential clients to other pages of your website that more thoroughly address the topic.

Another benefit of an FAQ page is the opportunity to overcome common objections or misconceptions and improve your conversion rate. You can also integrate keywords and phrases to help your SEO efforts. The list also provides a quick resource for you and your staff when responding to client emails. A quick copy and paste and you can move on to the next message.

Chamber of Commerce Website Must Haves (2/17/2018)

An FAQ page offers a timely resolution to common questions. Create a comfortable forum by using a conversational tone and active voice. Your FAQ page should be a source from which viewers can quickly find out more about the chamber and the community as a whole. A solid list of FAQs can go a long way towards fostering good will with potential and existing members as well as with community members at large.


User Experience with a Focus on Millennials (3/7/2019)

Sometimes, customers service means self-service. We’d all love to have a budget that would allow us to offer real-time customer service from a human being 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Fortunately, millennials tend to be perfectly happy with self-service approaches to customer service. Whether they send a message, click a call to action, or engage with a chatbot, the instant gratification is more important than most other aspects of customer service. Not to mention that millennials are quite willing to look through available resources to solve issues on their own instead of having to wait for someone else to help them.

Your brand can easily facilitate this type of service by offering regularly monitored discussion forums. Self-help tutorials and troubleshooting videos are additional tools that tend to be a big hit. A well fleshed out Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page rounds out these offerings to make sure you are providing efficient resources that millennials, and others, can access any time they need them.


Boosting Product Page Conversions (4/20/2019)

Use FAQs to resolve shoppers’ concerns. Anticipate shoppers’ questions and provide FAQs directly on the product pages. This strategy will help build consumers’ confidence in your products and in your brand, in general. On-page FAQs can resolve any lingering questions in a buyer’s mind, help them imagine how your item might improve their own life, and bring them one step closer to conversion.


The experts at Strategy Driven Marketing understand how FAQ pages have gone from a nicety to a necessity as more consumers prefer to do their Internet surfing and shopping during nonbusiness hours as much as they desire independence and, sometimes, a lack of human interaction while they do it. Your website is your 24/7 storefront and your FAQ page can be the deciding factor of whether someone stays on your website or looks elsewhere.

If you are ready to take your website to the next level, contact the experts at Strategy Driven Marketing. We are available to build from scratch or tweak what you’ve started. Either way, we look forward to assisting you with your website and all of your marketing needs.