Boosting Product Page Conversions

If you are like most other brands, you spend a lot of time and resources persuading and encouraging consumers to visit your product pages. Once a visitor reaches one of your pages, are they excited, compelled to make a purchase, or totally underwhelmed?

A product page is one of the final pieces that will either inspire a consumer to buy or click away. So, the key is to design product pages that motivate visitors to purchase during their current visit and to remember your brand when they next think about a shopping spree. We’ll cover some of the best practices for creating product pages that will boost conversions and get consumers excited about your brand.


1. Zero in on your value proposition

Before you can create amazing value propositions, you need to understand who are your customers, what they want, and the benefits consumers gain from your products. You also need to identify how your product meets the end result that people are searching for.

In order for customers to understand the benefits of purchasing your products, value propositions that offer a clear and specific promise of value need to be highlighted on your product pages. As you craft your item descriptions, incorporate along with specific product details, the value proposition of each item.


2. Write compelling product descriptions

Product descriptions can be tricky to write. As we mentioned above, you want to incorporate the value proposition and specific details about each item. However, you want to do it in succinct and persuasive language. Ideally, your descriptions will be two to four sentences long.

Put the most important information first in case a reader is only skimming and doesn’t initially plan to make it through the full description. An engaging first five words will encourage the reader to slow down a bit and read through the entire description. Help the consumer quickly understand key details to let them determine whether or not the item is a solution to their current need.

Write in the language of your target audience. Avoid being keyword-happy and overly descriptive. You want people to buy your products not relate your brand’s typical product descriptions as giggle or eye-roll worthy.


3. Use high-quality images

A large, sharp, high-quality photo of your product will grab a scroller’s attention and give him a cause to pause. Clear photos are essential to help online shoppers who can’t see and handle a product in person assess the qualities and attributes of a product. If your brand can’t afford to outsource product photo shoots, there are a number of resources available that can help you create stunning, crisp photos with a mobile phone and software. Whichever route you choose, know that well-done product photography grabs attention, encourages buyer’s trust, and can often be the difference between a purchase and continued scrolling.


4. Educate shoppers to build confidence

By including extra educational content about items on your product pages, you help to build buyers’ confidence in your product. Describe different uses of the product if they are not all obvious. Include details such as material types, weight, dimensions, and so on. If there is a lot of information to share, create tabs to keep things organized. Offer the item description on one tab, measurements on another, uses for the product on a third tab, and so on.


5. Highlight reviews from customers

Customer reviews provide reassurance to potential customers and should be prominently featured on your product pages. Offering social proof is an excellent way to build consumer trust and convince site visitors to complete a purchase. BrightLocal found that 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Another study found that items with 20 or more reviews had more than an 80% higher conversion rate than products without reviews.


6. Add extra rating features

Beyond reviews, you can use additional rating features to provide even more social proof on your product pages. You can use hearts or stars for customers to indicate how much they love your products. If your products are apparel based, you can include rates like “true to size” or “fit as expected” to give potential customers a bit more information about your products. Shoppers will be more motivated to buy items from your online store when they are able to read more comprehensive feedback from other customers who have already interacted with your products.


7. Use FAQs to resolve shoppers’ concerns

Anticipate shoppers’ questions and provide FAQs directly on the product pages. This strategy will help build consumers’ confidence in your products and in your brand, in general. On-page FAQs can resolve any lingering questions in a buyer’s mind, help them imagine how your item might improve their own life, and bring them one step closer to conversion.


8. Remove the clutter

Consumers will more easily identify key information regarding your products when you provide minimal content on product pages. Most shoppers are scanning for keywords, not full out reading. Include only the most essential and engaging information. Use copious amounts of white space. Include enough high-quality photos to show your products but not so many that a consumer loses focus. Keep the design intentional with the main intent of sharing important information in a manner that compels site visitors to move forward with a purchase.


9. Include a clear call to action

Conversion is the ultimate goal and your call to action buttons start the actual purchasing process. A highly visible call to action button is essential. Make the call to action button larger than any other elements on the page. Use a bold color that contrasts with the content around it so that the button visually pops off the page. Include clear, persuasive language on the button that makes it abundantly obvious that clicking the button will lead the shopper into the purchasing process.


10. Add trust badges and statements

Cybersecurity is a prominent concern for online shoppers, especially given the numerous occurrences of identity theft and credit card fraud. You can mitigate your customers’ concern about having their personal information compromised by convincing them that their information is safe with you. Trust seals and badges are an easy way to let consumers know that purchases from your site are protected. They help to build confidence in your brand and encourage shoppers to buy items on your site.


11. Improve site speed

Slow website speed is one of the greatest deterrents when it comes to conversions. A quick website is important because just a few extra seconds can make a significant impact on your bottom line. Kissmetrics reports that a one-second delay can cause a 7% decrease in your conversion rate. They also found that a site that takes three or more seconds to load can result in an abandonment rate as high as 40% and if consumers don’t stay on a site, there is no chance for conversion.

See our article for more information on this topic:

Optimization of Website Speed isn’t an Option, it’s a Must!


12. Make mobile a priority

Ecommerce sites should ensure that their product pages are optimized for mobile devices so they load properly and are easily navigated regardless of how a consumer is visiting the site. Impact found that consumers are 5 times more likely to abandon the task they are trying to complete when a site isn’t optimized for mobile. They also found that 52% of consumers said a poor mobile experience would make them less likely to interact with a brand.



In the world of ecommerce, product pages are the final content stage where brands can win or lose a sale. Use the opportunity to demonstrate to consumers the benefits they will gain from your products and offer social proof that communicates how others have already benefited.  Provide an amazing user experience and you’ll find your site, time and again, engaging consumers and leading them to complete their purchase.

The experts at Strategy Driven Marketing understand the importance of strong product pages and the role they play in the purchasing process. Our team can help your brand finesse product descriptions, leverage high-quality images, and create a shopping experience that will attract and retain loyal customers. Contact us today to get started!

Cover photo by from Pexels