Interesting Digital/Marketing Facts

As much as possible, the facts below were checked and double-checked with every effort made to drill down to the original source when possible. Please take everything with a grain of salt and let us know if you find an update or correction to something. Hope you enjoy!


General Facts

Almost half of all Internet searches are 4 words or more.

Load times longer than 2 seconds increase bounce rates by 50%.

80% of people will view video content while only 20% will read text.

80% of social media content is being accessed by a mobile device

As of April 2018, there were 7.6 billion people worldwide, 4.2 billion Internet users, and 3.03 billion active social media users.

The average daily time spent on social media is 116 minutes.

Internet users have an average of more than 7.5 social media accounts each.



In 1999 it took Google bots a month to crawl and index 50 million pages, in 2012 it took less than one minute.

Google is responsible for 94% of total organic traffic.

3.5 billion searches are done each day on Google which means almost 1.2 trillion searches a year.

82% of searchers will use a mobile device to help make decisions about a purchase they will make in a store.



59% of adults between 18 and 29 are using Instagram.

71% of Americans use Instagram.

More than 70 million photos and videos are uploaded to Instagram on a daily basis.

Instagram Stories launched in 2016 and has become a place used by more than 400 million users every day.



70% of teenage subscribers to YouTube claim to trust online influencers ahead of celebrities.

More than 600 million hours of video are watched on YouTube every day

Every minute, 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube.

YouTube gets 1.8 billion logged-in viewers monthly. (That’s only logged-in viewers!)



Over 75% of all Americans are on Facebook and the average Facebook user spends 35 minutes per day on the platform.

There are over 2.23 billion active monthly Facebook users.

31% of senior citizens in the United States are on Facebook.

Facebook earns more than $2 billion from mobile advertising alone.




Daily, 500 million people visit Twitter without logging in.*

Of the more than 1.3 billion Twitter accounts, only 328 million are active.*

It took 3 years, 2 months, and 1 day to get from the first tweet to the one billionth tweet.*

If Twitter was a country, it would be the 12th largest.




LinkedIn went public in May 2011, 8 years after it was started.**

LinkedIn has more than 546 million users, 146 million of which are workers in the United States.**

80% of business to business leads come from LinkedIn.**

85% of the Internet audience in the United States watches online videos.**

December 2016, Microsoft bought LinkedIn for $26.2 billion.


 Snapchat            ***

3.5 billion Snaps are sent every day.***

In September 2017, Snapchat users were on the platform an average of 34.5 minutes per day.***

Only about 20% of Snapchat users check its sponsored advertising section.***

An average of 8 billion videos are viewed daily on Snapchat

There are 187 million active daily Snapchat users and 60% of those people are under 25 years of age.


Hopefully, you found these factoids edifying and enlightening if not exciting here and there. As was mentioned above, we performed our due diligence as best we could to ensure the accuracy of this information and provide a background source for anyone interested in further investigation. We look forward to hearing your reactions to this blog and invite you to contact the experts at Strategy Driven Marketing for all of your website and digital marketing needs.